
Not using your strengths is out of discussion. How to define them – this is a question.

Found that it is easy to fall into the trap of the perfection of the Universe, meaning that if everything is for some purpose, if there are no coincidences, if the world was created wisely, then why bother and do anything – life is great anyway.

This thought was in my mind on and off for a while now. Today I think I finally got it: if I accept all the above, that means that there is a reason I am here, that there is a reason you are here, there is a reason we were given some particular characteristics, some gifts, some talents and it’s our mission to use them, because us using those gifts are the part of the bigger plan, it serves all others on some level. It’s like if I am a tree – my mission is to be green and create oxygen, and to give life to other trees, and fertilize soil with my leaves and so on.

To protect us from logical games of our mind – “why bother?” – we were given feelings – and when we are not in harmony with our purpose/mission we are bothered by the unpleasant feeling of emptiness, waste of life, lack of fulfillment.

Here where I am currently experience some “stuckness” – how to define what are your gifts or talents – stop doing what you are good at, start doing what you are great at.  Logically it is something that you are really great at, but when you are great at something you assume that everybody else is also great at that same thing, because for you doing that it’s like creating oxygen for a tree, therefore how you can serve others if they posses the same qualities already.   How one can find and defined what he is great at?  And how to apply them the more productively?


Way out is through the spirit


Talked with Max about substance addictions this morning – short, but  insightful.  Triggered the following thoughts:

we are trinity of  body, mind and spirit. At the “deep down” point of addiction mind and body are hugely affected by the substance, so people can’t think clearly, if they can think at all about anything but drugs and pain… So at this point to rely on body or mind doesn’t provide with the solution and the only way out is to reconnect with the spirit. At the deepest point you surrender to something bigger than you – either death – and people die, or life – and people go for support of any kind – to do so one needs to have faith, faith is from a spiritual realm.  These thoughts are raw, I just need to dump them somewhere to continue with a productive day at the office.

Any thoughts on topic appreciated.

With love,
